Sobre els nostres gatets
Per què triar els nostres gatets?
Pares de gran qualitat
Pares provats de salut
Temperaments càlids, amorosos i sòlids
Estimulació neurològica precoç
Amor, cura i socialització regulars
Bany i assecat rutinàries
Inoculacions actualitzades i vermes
Examen de benestar
Múltiples generacions d'experiència reproductiva
Què inclou el paquet gatet?
Nutrició d'alta qualitat: dieta crua seca i congelada
Delícies de prestatge superior
Brossa d'alta qualitat
Joguines estimulants
Rascador personal
Guia informativa
Garantia sanitària
Suport de tota la vida les 24 hores del dia
Gatets disponibles
Nathan can't even get any cuter! This boy wants to give you all of the love in the world! Nathan is a handsome chocolate Exotic Shorthair kitten that possesses many great qualities of his breed. He has received early neurological stimulation, regular socialization, routine bathing and blow drying, and all other aspects of love and care to ensure a happy kitten with the best temperament possible.
This lovely boy is very sweet, affectionate, and loves to play! Nicholas is a handsome chocolate Exotic Shorthair kitten that possesses many great qualities of his breed. He has received early neurological stimulation, regular socialization, routine bathing and blow drying, and all other aspects of love and care to ensure a happy kitten with the best temperament possible.
Orion is a very fun Devon Rex boy! He is just as cute as he is cuddly. This stunning boy possesses many great qualities of his breed. He has received early neurological stimulation, regular socialization, routine grooming, bathing, and all other aspects of love and care to ensure a happy kitten with the best temperament possible.
Look at that lovely expression! This little girl is such a sweetheart! Misti is a beautiful Devon Rex kitten that possesses many great qualities of her breed. She has received early neurological stimulation, regular socialization, routine grooming, bathing, and all other aspects of love and care to ensure a happy kitten with the best temperament possible.
Mara is the kitten for you! She wants to cuddle all day! This Devon Rex kitten exemplifies many great qualities of her breed. She has received early neurological stimulation, regular socialization, routine grooming, bathing, and all other aspects of love and care to ensure a happy kitten with the best temperament possible.